Saw something interisting today: two little girls are playing. As they were giggling, one girl put her index finger inside her friend, challenging her friend to bite it. The friend bite it, and the two girls are still giggling (one of them do a "giggle-while-biting" giggle, go figures!). A giggle changed into a cry once the biter bite harder, and still the biter girl giggle, thinking that her friend's cry was just an expression of momentary shock. Her cry was continuing as I walked away afte...
We are living in a world filled with tragedies resulting from the subjugation of people by their own choices. Choices that has been transforming into corruptor of the trusts, choices that once given the power trusted upon them by their the masses, turned it into deadly chains and whips that bind the people and force them to work to abide the will of the chosen. If you have not realized that, you need to do reality check. Do it now, 15 minutes will do. Think on what kind of people sit on th...
I have been thinking about time lately. Why did civilization have the concept of time? Did our ancestors conceived the concept of time to justify their aging? Did our ancestors felt that there are boundary to their activities that need some definition? Which come first: Time as boundary, or Time as measuring stick? I believe time was conceived because our ancestors felt that there are something BIG and VERY INTANGIBLE but affects their life CONSIDERABLY by giving limits on every aspect of...
Well, well, well, something hits me when I was doing some thinking : It seems I do a lot of thinking. The thought of me doing a lot of thinkings has been succesful on making me thingking about the thinkings. I was thinking about going home when suddenly I though about how out of place I was in that mall. Or I was not thinking about anything when suddenly thoughts fill up my mind in an instant. Perhaps thinking a lot is all there is about being an adult (hey, thinking of being 25 will give you...