In United States of America, women are defending the right to abort the would be future generations (to think of it, many caucasians are killing their future generations, and they are blaming turkish and africans for stealing their homelands) In Indonesia, women are defending the right to show bellybutton, cleavage (upper and bottom), and the right to express self. It's all related to how sperms are ejaculated. It's all related on natural selection and survival instincts (more open woman a...
The government of Indonesia, on October 1st, 2005, has finally lifted almost entire subsidies that have been given to fuel prices. It caused unrests everywhere. Prices of everyday needs levitated uncontrollably, even before the oil prices rise. All of sudden, the poors get poorer, and the riches get worried. And I believe government officials and legislative members, who have been sucking lifeblood of government's budgets like a shameless vampiric corruptor they are, will propos...
Katrina turned New Orleans into a lake with remnants of a city scattered inside. Many lost their lives and livings. Some even went further as saying that Katrina had given USA their next big test after 9/11. It even might have given inspiration for this and forced gasoline prices to surge hinger and one football team to leave Superdome. It even had scattered a grim diaspora . Are you a victim? Put your voice here . This is the chart of Katrina's path of destruction. And a helic...
According to a chart on this site , everytime there's a war in Iraq, Oil price rises to above US$ 60. Hmmm..I wonder whether Dubya and Bald Semit has read this before they decided to trample on Iraq. Has Saddam Hussein become a part of this drama all along? He was there when Iraq waged war to Iran and caused oil price to rise to above US$ 60, and he was there when dubya trampled on his land and caused oil price to shoot above US$60 once again. The fact remains, we are in a world where...
Maybe we should blame this one to dubya too, he seems to be the perfect scapegoat for everything wrong in recent world. The weather has been hectic across the globe, with storms raging one after another in mexico gulf. Here, in Jakarta, the weather has been hectic too. I believe that in elementary school I was taught that June should be the drought season, with sun blazing every day and the sky is clear blue and the man are all sunburnt and the news of forest burns starts to pop up ev...
Some high brass of Indonesian police force has made an extravagant claim that he is ready to wipe out gambling (which is have always been illegal) in Jakarta in less than a week. A bold claim, I might say. To them who knows the real underground gambling world, the claim can be considered either as empty words or suicidal note. Empty words because gambling has been fattening some of the dogs in the police force, and it will be unlikely that those dogs will not be barking, clawing, or biting so...
Saw A picture of some greenpeace activists painted a huge crack on top dome of a building of a nuclear plant in europe. They have succesfully done it cause they managed to infiltrate the facility before. Infiltrated A Nuclear Plant. Point number one is they are able to infiltrate a nuclear plant. Well, the plant management shall be having a terrible week due to this infiltration. They must be saying : Thanks God it's just a bunch of greenpeacers, not some neo-nazis or oil lovers, or m...
The President of Indonesia visited a local village leader and gained from him a new, fresh, and seems to be effective way to combat smoking and gambling. He was there to inspect how the local authority personnel distribute food and health financial aids to the poors among their citizens. He asked the leader of the village (or "Lurah") whether he had distributed them. The lurah said he had distributed them to the persons he thought eligible to receive aids. The president asked him again : who ...
Vatican has chosen a new pope, Pope Benedict XVI. He is the leader of a world of Catholics, whose population has reached 1 billion and more. U.S.A has chose their president, George W.Bush, who many sees as a leader installed by voters that come from the conservatives and populations of church faithfuls. They can both claim that God has chosen them to be installed into their respective seats. To me, it is a sign that factions of the world are preparing for a hardened assaults. The...